Online Giving
Tithing, Sacrificial Giving or Donating are important to continuing the work that God has set before each of us.
Each of us is called to worship God with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength. This boils down to worshiping and serving Him with our time, tithe, talent, and resources. Online giving provides a fast, convenient, and secure way for you to tithe, give love offerings, sacrificial offerings, or participate in special offerings to ensure that the ministry and mission of New Life Baptist Church are accomplished. And no, things haven't changed, you may still give in-person during our regular church service, online, or through @ Pay.
Should you have any questions, please call our church office at 505.352.2628.
During this time, you may also be looking to:
“Catch-Up” on your Tithe
Prepare for your “Year-End" Giving
Give Sacrificially
“Year-End" giving may be made online, by mail, or in person no later than
Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
Mailed contributions must be postmarked by
December 31 to receive 2024 credit.

(Click on the link above to give through @ Pay) or through New Life Baptist Church's
unique "Text To Give" number
(505) 207-0071.
Follow the steps below to first set up
your account to send your tithe, offering, or donation.
1: Open a new text message on your phone. Text an amount to
(505) 207-0071 (E.g. “10 tithe" or any amount), press send.
2. You will receive a confirmation text link. Click on the registration link to securely enter your payment information. Fill out your payment information and click “Submit” to complete the transaction. This will only need to be done once.
Please contact our church office with any questions at (505) 352.2628